Alright, now you’re ready to write. You’ve found a model, or pieces of different models, that feels like a good fit for you. So tell us the story of where you are now in identifying your purpose, and how you want to get even clearer on it by:
- walking us through experience(s) in your life that illustrate where your emerging sense of direction is coming from (based on your brainstorm in step 4 above),
- explaining, briefly, the steps of your plan for this exploration (step 3 above), and how you think it will help you get clearer on your long-term goals–give particular detail to the steps you plan to take over the next year or two, especially relating to college to make it easier to use this as a college entrance essay later!
Below are your answers from before to make it easier to see them in one place–but we suggest you start fresh, rather than just trying to edit these together into one coherent essay, and only copy things in if you’re sure they are the right fit for the overall structure of your essay.